Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stupid puzzle!!

So I finished my 1500 pieces jigsaw puzzle, only to find at the end that it's missing a piece. MISSING A PIECE. Nothing is more frustrating than building up a nice big rather complex puzzle (lots of green and water reflections) and then find out it will never be complete because it came with one piece less. And it wasn't my fault! I didn't drop any pieces, the place where I worked on it is pretty clear and there aren't many places a piece might have fallen and hid. No, this is not my fault!!

I really hope the next one doesn't have this problem =/


  1. Noooooooooooooo, respira, tranquila! no aletee!!! que lata, sólo me puedo imaginar todo el trabajo para no poder contemplarlo sin fijarse en esa lesera :( cuanto lo siento. Oye y cuanto mide? lo habrias puesto en un marco??

  2. Mide... *buscando la caja* 80x60cms, es grande, y lo pensaba pegar y poner en una pared, pero noooo, FAIL. Tengo otro de 1000 piezas que termine y que de hecho pegue y lo pienso colgar en algun lado

  3. Igual es divertido, porque parece una persona escalando la montaña, una persona de un tamaño muy grande.

  4. se parece al autito de RALLY X subiendo la montaña :D
